Gold Leash Professional Pet Services
Karen Rufus and Marley1.jpg

About karen Baker

Karen Baker is an enthusiastic, motivated, professional pet caregiver.  She came by loving and caring for animals naturally, growing up as the youngest “Army brat” in a family of seven, traveling across country many times in a station wagon full of kids and animals.  All family members are animal lovers, rescuers, and advocates.  Growing up, Karen’s family always had pets and rescue animals including, dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, birds, an iguana, an alligator—yes, they had an alligator named Wallygator, and possibly the strangest of all (not that some of these are not strange enough), but a pet (and beloved) Tarantula, named Woolybugger, that was her father’s pride and joy.  

Karen’s entire adult life has also been filled with many animal rescues (wild and domestic).  Currently her household consists of four adorable and hilarious dogs and two cats that are her “fur children” today.

Karen has turned her passion into the business of Gold Leash Professional Pet Services.